Dr Koorosh Aslansefat is an Assistant Professor of Safe and Explainable AI at the University of Hull affiliated with the Responsible AI Group. His research interests span artificial intelligence safety, Explainable AI, and real-time dependability analysis. He has been recipient of the IET Leslie H. Paddle Award for being an Outstanding Researcher for his research works on Offshore Wind Farms maintenance scheduling. He also won Post-Doctoral Enrichment Award from the Alan Turing Institute for his innovative research on the safety evaluation of machine learning known as SafeML. His reserch has generated impact beyond academia and directly referenced in the new German Industry Standard for Machine Learning Uncertainty Quantification (DIN SPEC 92005). He has secured grants totalling £190K since completing his PhD in 2023.
Dr. Sondess is a Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at UWE Bristol. She previously held a Research Fellowship on a Google-funded project DMNIR, followed by a roles as a Research Associate on multiple EU Horizon 2020 projects, where she focused on the development of trustworthy and human-centered AI. Her recent research has been dedicated to the quality and safety assurance of embedded machine learning algorithms, ensuring their robustness, reliability, and compliance with safety standards. Her primary research interests include AI safety, runtime dependability evaluation, and the verification and validation of autonomous systems to enhance their trustworthiness and resilience in real-world applications.
Ioannis Sorokos is a senior researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) in the department of Safety Engineering. He is a member of the Dependable AI research group. He received his PhD from the University of Hull in a topic related to model-based safety assurance. He has participated in and managed several industry and international research projects, including the Horizon Europe projects DEIS, BIECO and SESAME. He's a member of the WAISE workshop program committee and an editor in the Frontiers in Robotics and AI journal for AI Safety in Safety Critical Systems. His research interests include model-based safety assurance, safety-security co-engineering, ML uncertainty and self-adaptive systems.
Mojgan Hashemian is a senior data scientist at Direct Line Group Ltd., Leeds, U.K., and an independent researcher. Her research interests include machine learning, inferential statistics, and responsible and explainable artificial intelligence. Hashemian earned her Ph.D. in computer science and engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.
Dr Panagiota Nikolaou is a Lecturer and course leader of Computer Engineering department at UCLan Cyprus. Her research interests include but not limited to the following: computer hardware, critical embedded systems, sustainable computing, Internet of Things, Machine Learning techniques used for classification, analytical models for early stage prediction, total cost of ownership evaluation for edge and cloud deployments, fault tolerance, memory reliability, power and performance optimizations, and other topics related to the computer architecture field. She completed an internship at IROC Technologies in Grenoble, where her primary focus was on soft errors and their propagation from low level components to the highest layer. Additionally, she has been involved in several EU FP7 and Horizon 2020 funded research projects (Eurocloud, HARPA, Uniserver, SESAME). She is a (co) author in several research papers in high quality conferences and journals.
Dr. Daniel Schneider heads the division “Dependable Systems,” of Fraunhofer IESE, which encompasses the Data Science, Safety Engineering, Security Engineering, and Digital Health Engineering departments. Previously, he led the Safety Engineering department for about ten years. Accordingly, his personal research focus is on safety, with interests including model-based safety and security engineering, safe AI, safety of open systems (e.g., cyber-physical systems or the Internet of Things), safety of autonomous systems, and the use of “unreliable” platforms (such as cloud-based platforms) in safety-critical applications. Dr. Schneider is the author of around 100 publications, a regular speaker at conferences, and serves as a member of various program committees, advisory boards, and working groups.